Legal disclaimer of Tech-Medical Hungary Kft.

The owner of the domain names of the website is Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. By startring to use the website, the user accepts with intent the below-defined conditions of use and the data protection clauses and rules.

1. Copyright

The copyright of the website’s content belongs to Tech-Medical Hungary Kft., except those cases, when in the specific document, there is another source indicated, and if there is other disclosure concerning the copyright.

The information on the website-unless otherwise provided- can be used with unchanged content and with source indication. The information on the website are considered to be copyright works, their copying is forbidden.

The use of the intellectual work of a third person published on the website (articles, studies) is only possible according to the legal regulation LXXVI. of 1999. Every use exceeding these limits need to have the author’s consent.

2. Information

The information, data and terms appearing on the website of Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. only serve as information, Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. does not take responsibility for their completeness and accuracy. The content of the website is considered exclusively informational by Tech-Medical Hungary Kft.

Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. reserves the right to change the website’s content partially or wholly.

3. Use of the website

Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. does not have responsibility for any possible damage, loss, costs which arise from the inappropriate use, unusable state, malfunction of the websites and from the unauthorized change of data and from the delay of transmission of information, computer virus, line- or system error or from any similar causes.

4. Registration required use of website and online showroom

Certain parts and functions of the website require registration. In order to gain access to the services that require registration, giving the personal data that is indacated there is needed. Following the registration, you can request a price quotation for most the products that can be found in the online showroom.

Separate law provisions refer to the closed information of the services that require registration, the user is obliged to treat them confidentially. Websites requiring registration can only be used by user with thier own identification and password. Handling the user account data (identification and password) as confidential information is the responsibility of the user.

User owes liability for the damages caused by the use of their account data by an unauthorized third person. Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. does not take responsibility for any direct or indirect damage, data loss, loss of profit, loss of business- or good reputation caused by the use of the user’s account data by an unauthorized third person.

If the user becomes aware of the unauthorized access of their account or the attempt thereof, they are obliged to inform Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. immediatley. The user, for the request of the website, is obliged to change the indentifications and the passwords connected to the use of the website’s pages that require registration.

5. Related websites

The website of Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. can contain interfaces ( so-called hyperlinks) which provide the possibility of immediate access to other websites. The content downloaded by following an external link is not under the influence of Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. only provides access to the related websites, and does not undertake any obligation, responsibility for the websites or the information that are placed on the website.

Tech-Medical Hungary kft. does not take responsibility of contents published or forwarded by a third party, which are connected to the websites of Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. or which link to them. Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. furthermore is not responsible of the complying with the confidentiality and privacy practices of other website owners.

6. Embedded technology

The website uses embedded player technologies. By starting to use the website, you accept the terms and user conditions of the website and embededd player technology.

7. Legal consequences

In case of violation of the points given in this legal disclaimer, Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. will immediately take the needed steps.

8. Change of legal disclaimer

Tech-Medical Hungary Kft. reserves the right to change this legal disclaimer.
